CEWLA's Studies

Documents from women's working history:

Edited and written by:Dr. Ahmed El Sawy

Some people think that women"s relation to work is nothing but a relation that developped recently and that it is due to the western culture's influence in the 20th century that women started getting engaged into work.This belief s false, as we can see that since ancient times until this very day women have proven the exact opposite. Several pictures show women participating in various work fields, on old temple walls, also documents from the Middle ages prove so. What is definitely a fact is that women have worked with passion and integrity in all the fields they've occupied.
The peasant girl:

Edited by: Mrs.Zeinab Kheir
Written by:Dr. Ahmed El-Sawy

When the convention on eliminating all forms of discrimination against women was issued in the 80's the peasant girl was not suffering less than the rest of the peasants compared to city people.Despite this the CEDAW convention beheld an article that obliged countries that ratified the CEDAW to make measures and adopt rights that support peasant women.
Egyptian Press talking about familial violence:

Edited and written by:Mrs. Shaima'a Mahrous and Mrs. Laila Hamada

The Egyptian society has lately been facing many different aspects of violence, not only in society in general but also on the private level, in families etc..Through statistics we are going to get to know how big this phenomenon has grown.
Fathi Nagib, the Egyptian Women's movement and human rights:

Introduction: coalition of all Egyptian NGO's concerned with women's cases and human rights:

We , in the name of the civil society, give this book as a present to the man who loves Egypt,who supported our society's right in freedom and democracy, and in the name of the Egyptian Woman for whom he fought for justice and equality,and in the name of the simple Egyptian to whom he gave his thoughts, his his education and his life.
Situation of the Egyptian women in light of CEDAW:

Study : Mr. Mohamed El Ghamari
Training manual : Mrs. Azza Soliman
Documentation : Mr. Mahmoud Abd El Fatah
Training Manual:Violence against women :

Editor:Dr. Seham Abdel Salam
Legal revision:Mrs. Azza Soliman

As our foundation is concerned with fighting for cases that are related to the Egyptian society in general or to women on a private level we have decided to fight against violence against women and we are going to concentrate on 3 main subjects: Incest-honor crimes-women's circumcision
Women's rights and international documents:

Edited and written by:Mr Yasser Abd El Gawad
Our foundation thought it was important to present a book holding important international documents and conventions related to women , so these work documentaries could be a reference for women's rights defenders.
Honor Crimes-Analytical view and future hopes :

Edited by: some researchers

Murder crimes, often considered in the name of honor, are one of the human right's cases our foundation is working on, especially with the dualism our society is suffering from, which is helping in enhance violence against women and enhance uncivilization.
The Harvest; a 2 year application of Khola'a:

Written by: Dr. Ahmed El- Sawy
Edited by:Mrs. Azza Soliman-Mrs. Azza Salah-Dr.Hoda Zakareya-Mrs. Mariz Tadros

This book was a sort of crowning to the many efforts we have been making during the past years, so as we could stop Egyptian women's suffering in some marriages, due to strong difficulties they might be facing, while getting a divorce paper.And from here came the importance of a statistic study in knowing how the law gets implemented in Egyptian courts.
Pages from the Egyptian family archive:

Edited and written by: Dr.Ahmed El-Sawy-Mrs. Mervat Abu Teeg

This book answers many questions that might come to our minds and it clarifies the picture of the family situation in Egypt.Through history and documents that supported us while writing this book we are revealing many fact.
Difficulties of inter marriages after "the law of the Egyptian citizenship" :

Edited by: Mrs. Hala Abd El-Kader-Mrs. Intissar Badr

In this study we are not discussing the citizenship problem, we are discussing the difficulty of children receiving the Egyptian citizenship.
Difficulties in cases:

Edited and written by: Mrs. Hana'a Zaki

This project offers services and legal consultancies for all women, especially to poor women, whose economic, social and educational status prevents them from being aware of the legal rights attributed to them.
Women's cases in the Egyptian press:

Edited and written by:Heba Kassem

This study aims at identifying the importance of Egyptian women's cases in the press, since it is a central issue to the Egyptian society.

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